SG Meetings

No More Bad, Boring Meetings!

Do your own members fall asleep in your meetings? Have trouble getting more than a handful to show up, let alone participate? Do you have out-of-control members who are rude and monopolize the meeting? Is there way too much texting and talking going on?

Don't have to settle for poor meetings anymore!

ASGA offers many resources to help you reform and enhance your SG meetings, including workshops, webinars, templates, how-to videos, and meeting critiques.

Better SG Meetings

I Need Help



When do you have your SG meetings? How do you choose the time and date? How do you work with your institution’s leaders to avoid conflicts?

Roberts Rules Made SimpleASGA's partner, Roberts Rules Made Simple, can help you improve your meetings. Get a 20% discount by using the code, "ASGAMEETING."

Search SG DocumentsASGA stores thousands of documents from all types of colleges.

Meeting Products