We think we can change the world. But the truth is a little eye-opening. Even the greatest SGs are limited in their power and influence. Is your SG a real government? Your SG doesn't just snap your fingers and make administrators jump. What power do you have? Is your SG a "player" on campus? Is there anything impossible to change on your campus. Your SG can accomplish a great deal if you are strategic.
Winners create a bandwagon effect. Your SG must have some wins this year.
It's not easy to be a great SG. But with realistic goals and a understanding of your power and place on campus, you can accomplish a lot.
1Is SG a Real Government?
2Which Superhero Is SG?
3What Are Your Powers?
4Are You a Player?
5Does SG Have Influence?
6What Are Your Chances?
7Is Anything Impossible?
8What's Super Difficult?
9What's Probable?
10What Can You Accomplish?