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Search Results:  Parliamentary Procedures (50)
  • Approval of minutes

    Do minutes need to be approved by the assembly?


  • Are there alternatives to Robert's Rules of Order?

    My school's SGA has been using Robert's Rules for our parliamentary procedure for quite some time now. Certain members of our executive board have been complaining about it and I have been assigned the job of researching other methods of the procedure. Do you have any knowledge of other parliamentary procedure that you would recommend?


  • Are there any resources that demonstrate guidelines to writing an "oath of office?"

    Our student government is thinking about implementing an "oath of office" for members. Are there any resources that demonstrate guidelines to writing an "oath of office?"


  • Can a senator "at large" run for an executive officer position?

    Is it true that only a senator who is voted in under a college as opposed to one that is a student at large can run for an executive officer position?


  • Can an SGA president vote on an amendment and then later veto it

    I have some questions pertaining to a presidential veto process. Can a SGA President vote on an amendment and then go back to veto it? My next question is if the SGA President types up a veto on a memo as attached and forgets to change the name of the SGA President as a listed office on the side column is the veto void? What are things that can make a veto void?

    I asked these questions because as an executive board in our current constitution each member is allowed to vote on amendments, proposals, and bills. I voted a an amendment and then went back and vetoed it, my question is that possible? If or if not can you explain the process for a SGA President to veto a bill?


  • Can executive board members make motions?

    Can executive board members make motions?


  • Can our SG declare a senator disruptive, remove their voting privileges, and remove them from the meetings?

    The Student Senate is considering a change to their Rules that would allow for the Senate with a two-thirds vote to declare an individual (Senator or observer) to be disruptive, instigating the loss of their voting privileges, their being reported to student judicial affairs, and the summoning of the University Police to forcibly remove them. The environment within the Senate is extremely politicized, with one party maintaining a large super-majority and the other holding just over 1/5th, which allows them several minority protections. The fear of many members of the minority party is that this bill will be used to remove even non-disruptive individuals, ultimately causing them to violate the attendance policy and resulting in their removal from office. My question is what is the possible benefit of this action? Currently, our SG is considered a state agency (state Gov't. in the Sunshine and Open Meeting Laws apply), and any person can call the police and ask that an unlawfully disruptive person be removed. Why, then, should the nature of being "disruptive" be tied to a vote? This action seems to be something that would lead SG down a path that may have huge negative legal consequences, namely the filing of false police reports (see above). I would greatly appreciate any insight on this issue so that I can report back to the Senate and avoid a potentially disastrous situation.


  • Can our SG president interview candidates before submitting them to our council for approval?

    I am a member of this association and was hoping I could get some advice on interviewing potential council members. Our AS President decided to fill a vacant council position by presidential appointment. He is asking for the applications for him to select who he will interview and take to the council for ratification.

    I advised the AS president that interviews need to be conducted in an open council meeting. Would you review the following section of our Standing Rules and advise me whether the AS president may select which qualified candidates to interview and if he can interview them outside of a council meeting and bring only his recommended candidates to the council for a vote? This is what he is asking to do.

    Appointments for Council Vacancies. Should a Council position become vacant, the ASGWC President shall have the option to hold special election or to appoint candidates to be ratified by the ASGWC Student Council. This shall be in accordance with Article V, Section 5 and Section 6 of the ASGWC Constitution.

    Special Election. Should the ASGWC President decide to hold a special election, the election shall be held within 30 days of the vacancy.

    Appointment of Candidates. Should the ASGWC President decide to have the appointment of candidates, the following shall take place:

    (1) Each candidate shall be given a specific appointment time during the Council meeting in which to appear before the Council.
    (2) All candidates shall be asked the same standardize questions to be prepared before the designated meeting date.
    (3) After all the candidates have been interviewed, the Council shall then discuss and ratify the Presidential appointment to fill the vacancy.
    (a) The appointed person shall assume all duties of his/her position immediately, unless otherwise specified by the Council.


  • Can our vice president still serve even if she is out a semester on medical "leave?"

    Our Vice President has withdrawn from classes for medical reasons but announced she would still serve as Vice President. I know our bylaws say that a senator can sit out one trimester, but does that mean that they can still retain an e-board seat? If she isn’t able to keep her e-board seat, do we hold a special election to fill the void?


  • Can the chairman vote?

    Can the SG president (or meeting chairperson) vote on issues at assembly meetings?