All About SG

 NEW!  Everything SG

Everything you ever wanted, and needed, to know about the world of collegiate Student Governments is here!

ASGA has assembled a wealth of research, lists, reports, and unusual information, such as the first, the most, the highest, and the best.

When did Student Governments begin? Who has the biggest budget, most members, highest election turnout, best web sites, and best SG grade?

SG Expert

ASGA Game Show

ASGA’s first-ever quiz show, “How Much Do You Really Know About SG?,” was recorded at the National Student Government Summit in Washington, DC. Watch it here.

ASGA Game Show  
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SG Facts  

Did you know? ASGA has 5,564 colleges/campuses active in our SG Database. Roughly 998 have no Student Government representative body - about 18% of the nation.

SG History  


  • Podcast
    • Ready for “All About SG” member resource?
  • Workshop Video
    • ASGA Game Show: How Much Do You Really Know About SG?
Facts Trends  

SG Fact: The first Student Governments in the late 1800s were honor and literary societies and were not given an advocate role. They had no activity fees, weren't elected by peers, didn't recognize clubs or provide funding.

SG Firsts  

Who was the first woman president? African American president? First married officers? LGBTQ president?

SG Names  

What SG name is most common? What is most unusual?

Whats the Norm  

Are you the average or is your SG an anomaly? Knowing standards nationwide is useful is reviewing the current state of your SG.