ASGA evaluates Student Government websites across the nation, encompassing all types of educational institutions, including public, private, and community/technical colleges.
We assess any Student Government website that our team perceives to potentially meet a C- or higher standard using the SG Website Content Evaluation.
Below, you'll find the top 25 websites in the Community Colleges category. Additionally, other "enhanced" SG sites are listed beyond the top 25.
Click on the school names below to explore the highest-ranked Student Government websites nationwide.
Community Colleges
- 1De Anza College/Cupertino, CA
- 2Moorpark College, CA
- 3Truckee Meadows Community College, NV
- 4Las Positas College,CA
- 5Holyoke Community College,MA
- 6Harrisburg Area Community College (6 campuses), PA
- 7Santa Barbara City College, CA
- 8Ohlone College, CA
- 9Santa Rosa Junior College/Santa Rosa, CA
- Other Enhanced SG Sites: CA - Cerritos College, Los Angeles Valley College • NJ - Bergen Community College • WI - Western Technical College/La Crosse