Campus Media

University of South Florida/Tampa (USF) - The Oracle

Address:4202 East Fowler Avenue, SVC 0002
State Zip/Postal Code:FL 33620
Media Type:Newspaper
Media Name:The Oracle

The Oracle publishes two days a week -- Monday and Thursday -- during the fall and spring semesters, and once a week, Wednesday, in the summer. Circulation is 8,000. The paper has earned numerous awards for excellence in journalism. It was voted by the Society of Professional Journalists as the Best College Daily in the Nation in 1990 and is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press Hall of Fame. It has collected numerous regional awards during the years and has earned a national reputation for excellence. The Oracle has served as a training ground for journalists and others devoted to the idea of a free press

Media Publishing or Broadcast Frequency:Newspaper - Biweekly
Media Corporate Structure:Official campus media, housed on-campus
SG Funds Media:Yes
Percentage Funded by SG:11 to 25
Influence:Powerful/Influential, Watchdog of SG
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