Student Government Details

University of South Florida/Tampa (USF)

SG Name:Student Government (SG)
SG Acronym:SG
ASGA Grade:B (83-85)
ASGA Observations:10/2023, evidence of shared governance, evidence of funding authority, some evidence of club recognition authority, evidence of voter participation, advanced web presence
SG Shipping Address:4202 East Fowler Avenue
SG Office Location:MSC4300
SG City Name:Tampa
SG State Zip/Postal Code: FL 33620-6150
Country:United States
SG Phone:813-974-2401
SG Fax:813-905-9993
Dedicated SG Web Site:Yes
SG Web Site Grade:C+
ASGA SG Web Site Evaluation:ASGA Evaluation Form
SG Web Site Observations:67/138 (10/23), enhanced. Good info on officers/advisors, elections, finance, many services and programs. Lacking info on clubs, governing docs and meetings.
Description:The mission of the Student Government at the University of South Florida at the Tampa campus is to ensure an optimal student experience by advocating on behalf of the student body, shaping university policy, and foster school pride.

USF Student Government (SG) is run by more than 120 students who serve as employees and volunteers. We are here for you--the students of USF--to serve your needs and be your voice. We welcome you to get involved with us either directly as an employee or volunteer, or indirectly by attending our events or using the services and resources provided.

Explore this website to learn more about us and how we can help you, or stop by and visit us on the 4th Floor suite 4300 of the Marshall Student Center on the Tampa campus.

Your voice matters! If you have any questions or comments, reach out to us! 
SG Representation:Only Undergraduates
Number of Members (range):100-250
Number of Members (actual):120
Actual Size of SG Organization - Legislative Branch:60 (Tampa 45, St. Pete 8, Sarasota-Manatee 7)
Actual Size of SG Organization - Judicial Branch:9 (Five justices serve from Tampa, 2 from St. Petersburg, and 2 from Sarasota-Manatee)
Number of chartered clubs:500+
Actual Number of Chartered Clubs:600
Source of Budget:Activity Fee
Actual Activity Fee Name:Activity and Service (A&S)
Actual Activity Fee Annual Amount:every student as a $7.00 flat fee and $12.08 per credit hour, per semester
Budget Amount Allocated to Clubs/Orgs:Yes
SG annual budget (range):$10M+
SG annual budget (actual):$30,000,000
SG operating budget (range):$750K+
SG operating budget (actual):$2,550,000
SG Corporate Structure:Official campus organization housed on-campus
SG Structure:Tri-cameral
SG Political Leaning:Very Liberal