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Add My Campus Media

Your Campus Media Information

Does your campus have a campus newspaper, radio station, or TV station? Are they "SG-friendly" or are the reporters and editors combative and adversarial? Which SGs completely fund their campus papers, radio and TV stations?

You do not have to be an ASGA member to complete this survey

  • Please complete and submit the online form below OR download and fill out the PDF version. Then either 1) print out and FAX the completed PDF form to 352-373-8120 or 2) email the completed PDF form to You will need the latest version of Adobe Reader to view, fill out and save the form.
  • ASGA MEMBERS: Before completing this survey, login and check your institution's profile in the SG Database. ASGA may already have the information you're providing.

Submitter's Name (REQUIRED):
Submitter's Title (REQUIRED):
Dept. or Organization (REQUIRED):
Submitter's Email (REQUIRED):
School Name, Campus & Acronym (REQUIRED):
ASGA Member?
Campus Media Type
Campus Media Name:
Campus Media Nickname:
Campus Media Address:
Campus Media City:
Campus Media State & ZIP:
Campus Media Phone:
Campus Media Fax (if any):
Campus Media Email:
Campus Media Web Address:
Campus Media Publishing or Broadcast Frequency:
SG Funds This Campus Media?
Percentage Funded by SG:
Actual Funding Amount:
Campus Media Corporate Structure:
Campus Media's Influence:
Details (please write two or three paragraphs about this particular campus media, how it impacts the campus, its strengths and weaknesses, etc.):
Social Media: