Bakersfield College/Bakersfield (BC) - SGA Vice President of Communications, 03-04
Category: Constitution Development, Good Communication, Public Relations, Strengths/Weaknesses, Weaknesses
Weakness Details:One of our top priorities at this time is to draft a new constitution for our student government. As Chief Justice I am heavily involved in the drafting of our new constitution, and I was very intrigued by the information that you provided regarding this subject in your Fall 2003 issue of "Student Leader." We hope that the advice that you provide us will benefit our new SG structure.
A second benefit we expect is learning how to better reach out to our student body, who unfortunately are largely apathetic due to the fact that we are a commuter college, with limited campus life. Lastly, I believe that a mutual relationship between our SG and the ASGA will help us to grow and become more organized, and hopefully our success will persuade other schools in our region to join your organization.