SG Salary Survey

Bakersfield College/Bakersfield (BC) - SGA President, 03-04

Actual Title:President, 03-04
Department or Organization:Student Government Association (SGA)
Compensation Type: Stipend
Annual Compensation Actual:$5,625
Annual Compensation Range:$5,000-10,000
Compensation Description:The main compensation is the weekly stipend of $101.25, paid out of our Student Government budget, which is taxed at the end of every year. In addition an office is furnished with a computer for every Executive Board officer.

Should SG officers be paid?
Student goverment officers should be paid in order to reimburse them for the time they spend at their duties. Students' time is valuable, and an hour spent in a meeting could be spent at a part-time job instead.

What's the best type of "pay" for SG leaders?
Though our Executive Board officers are currently paid stipends, I believe that a scholarship at the end of every semester would better serve those who hold office. This would eliminate the problem of taxation of stipends, which has arisen during the current semester and has caused a considerable amount of consternation among our officers.
Type and Affiliation:Community or Junior College
Size and Mobility:XL (More than 20K) - Commuter