
Campus Grumble is now Buzzocracy! Buzzocracy was born from the personal experiences of two different perspectives: a student and a student leader.
As a student, co-founder Ryan Edwards was frustrated with trying to make his voice heard on campus and the lack of transparency in regard to how decisions around campus were made. On the other hand, as a student leader, co-founder John Kirkpatrick was frustrated with the difficulties associated with collecting student feedback, as students were not using contact forms, surveys, and other current methods of feedback collection.
We created Buzzocracy as a universal, easy-to-use solution to help identify and crowdsource solutions to common campus issues like parking and campus dining options, as well as less common problems students may encounter, like stinging bees on the quad, or smelly roommates. Our platform was designed to help students crowdsource solutions for their suggestions by requiring students to write a proposed solution for their own "grumbles" as well. This aspect of Buzzocracy is what we are most proud of, as it has created a culture where other students can collaborate on the best possible solutions for campus issues.
Campus Grumble was incorporated in June 2012 and subsequently released the beta version at Wake Forest University in August 2012 as a private platform. After a favorable response from both students and student organizations to our Beta release, we decided to initiate our official launch in January of 2013, adding Campus Grumble Connect to our portfolio. Campus Grumble Connect is a premium service that acts as a special portal for student organizations and administrators to collect student feedback and communicate with our student initiatives website - Campus Grumble.
In August 2013 Campus Grumble rebranded under the name Buzzocracy. We made the decision to rebrand because our service isn't just for student grievances – it is for new ideas, suggestions, and honest campus discussions! Students have much more to add to their campus communities than just complaints. With Buzzocracy it is even easier to collaborate with peers and administrators on innovative ideas and suggestions as well!
Contact: John Kirkpatrick, President
Address: 210 N. Church St #1214
Charlotte, NC 28202
Phone: 1-877-614-1079