What's so useful about this SG Database?

Q:What is so useful about the SG Database?

A:ASGA's six full-time researches spend 14,000 hours a year gathering and maintaining all kinds of information about every Student Government in the nation-- so you don't have to! If you ever had a question about how other SGs have solved problems, created new programs, or offered new services, the SG database can help you get the answers you need quickly and efficiently.

You can search the SG Database in a variety of ways: by enrollment size, type of school, state, and much more. If you're from a large public university, you can find contact information on other simliar schools. If you're from a small religious private college, you'll be able to search for schools like yours.

The database includes information such as contacts, budgets, constituitions, by-laws, SG salaries, top accomplishments, major programs and services, strengths and weaknesses, details on advisors experience, time committment, and compensation, and much more.

If you use the SG Database to its fullest extent, it will save you countless hours of time spent in wasted and frustrating web searches to find schools like yours.

The SG database includes information on all of the ASGA members plus every other institution in the nation, whether they're ASGA members or not.