What kind of information is included on Student Governments in the SG Database?
Q:What kind of information is included on Student Governments in the SG Database?
A:The SG Database includes a VAST amount of information on Student Governments from every college and university in America.
The SG Database includes a tremendous amount of information, facts, documents, photos, and much more on every Student Government in America.
ASGA members can search the database to find schools based on their enrollment, type of institution, size of town/city, religious affiliation, political leanings, residential/commuter/suitcase status, and much more.
ASGA members can search for Student Governments based on their overall budget, structure, members and officers contact information, name of SG, strengths and weaknesses, major accomplishments, goals for the upcoming year, and more.
Members can see actual SG constitutions, by-laws, election codes, and more.
Simply put, the SG Database is the most incredible and useful resource EVER CREATED for Student Government leaders and advisors.