How do you decide which panelist answers an "Ask the Experts" question?
Q:How does ASGA decide which panelist gets to answer an "Ask the Experts" question?
A:First, our team reviews the question and learns about the Student Government that asked it. We review the type of school represented, the size of the SG, and any other relevant data that helps us understand your SG.
Based on the category of the question, we then review the specific expertise of the 24 panelists, then farm out the question to the expert best-suited to answer it.
Other factors such as workload will come into play from time to time. All of the panelists are volunteering their time, so we're conscious of asking a handful of panelists to answer the questions. We prefer to give each panelist a question before sending another question to a specific panelist.
All of the panelists are very skilled, knowledge, and experienced. That's why they're serving.