How can we check the accuracy of our school's information in the SG Database?

Q:How can we check the accuracy of our school's information in the SG Database?

A:If your Student Government is an ASGA member, you'll be able to check your institution's "member profile" at any time.

You can edit it, make changes, and add more information at any time.

If you're not an ASGA member, you can write us at info@asgaonline.com, and we'll allow you to see your institution's listing.

Our team would appreciate your assistance in keeping this data current and accurate, whether you're an ASGA member or not.

One of the chief and useful important benefit of being an ASGA member is being able to access data on every college or university in America through the SG Database. So our goal is to keep this data as current and accurate as possible, with the help of SGs nationwide, even non-members.