SG Articles

Why Should Your Administrators Support ASGA?

Membership benefits everyone at a school

Why should your administrators support ASGA?

Simply put, great institutions ALWAYS have effective Student Governments.

A strong and influential Student Government is evidence of the following characteristics:

  1. Your institution has a strong student affairs component.
    Effective Student Governments always accompany an involved and engaged student body. At institutions with strong SGs, there are always many active clubs and organizations of all types, strong community and campus service activities, and leadership programming.
  2. Your institution has no trouble recruiting campus leaders to matriculate.
    When your institution has an involved and engaged student body and an effective Student Government, it is far easier for your admissions and enrollment department to recruit higher-caliber applicants. Students want to attend institutions where they can grow as leaders and get involved like they were in high school and at other institutions.
  3. Your institution has very little trouble with retention issues.
    An involved student body is a content student body. When students are engaged in campus activities, clubs, groups, and student government, they are far more likely to stay in school and remain matriculated at your institution. Institutions with effective Student Governments ALWAYS have high retention rates.
  4. Your institution has a generous and involved alumni base.
    A content and involved student body develops a love for your institution and a desire to stay connected and to "give back." Institutions with effective Student Governments always have student leaders who are generous and involved donors as alumni.
  5. Your institution easily earns reaccreditation.
    The effectiveness of your student affairs component is clearly a part of reaccreditation proceedings. Therefore, it is logical to support and encourage your Student Government as a means of insuring the reaccreditation is quick and painless.


ASGA Mission Statement

The American Student Government Association will provide all Student Government leaders and advisors nationwide with networking, research, and information resources and will teach them how to become more effective, ethical, and influential leaders on their campuses. ASGA also will promote the advancement of SGs, conduct research as the nation’s only “SG Think Tank,” and advocate the importance of having a vibrant, autonomous Student Government organization at every institution in America.

Contact ASGA


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Fax: 352-373-8120


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